WASD to move.

Left click to attack

Right click to block

F to grab enemy corpses

Left click to throw

Different corpses have different effects when grabbed:

Peppermint-Acts as a shield against projectiles, standard projectile

M&M- Grenade that stuns enemies once it detonates or hits an object

Lollipop- Spear that kills enemies instead of just stunning them

Butterscotch- A mine that can be placed that stuns enemies that walk over them

Game development logs:

Week 1

  • Player movement/actions added
    • moving, punching, block, highblock
  • Preliminary 4 levels made
  • Made one enemy that could path find
  • LSHIFT ability that lets you look around the map
  • Basic health bar added
  • Added background Music and basic audio effects 

Week 2 

  • Added a health bar with armor system to the player
  • Added scoring system
  • Added an enemy that shoots bullets (those do no bounce)
  • Added shatter effects
  • Added projectiles/corpses that can be picked up after you kill someone or use it as a shield 
  • Added power-up
  • Enemies can patrol and have a Field Of Vision

Week 3

  • Added a minimap to keep track of the player and enemies
  • Decided the theme and made prefabs correlated to it
  • Fleshed and cleaned out the enemy pre-fabs 

User Feedback Testing

  • Various play testers left feedback
  • Interview questions asked:
    • How good was the difficulty progression?
    • Were the objectives/controls easy to figure out or were clear?
    • What are things you enjoyed?
    • What are things you disliked?
    • What are suggestions that you have in improving this game?
    • Any additional feedback (or maybe bugs that you found)?
  • There were positive reactions for the sprites, and the general gameplay.
  • A lot of the issues players had with the game was a lack of clarity in control and lacking feedback (audio, visual)

Week 4

  • Added two new enemies (an enemy that shoots bouncing bullets and a bull-like enemy)
  • Made a separate Tutorial portion with video clips and texts
  • Player now only has one block type/key
  • Added UI changes that will be used for the final game
  • Temporary background changed for a more appropriate background 
  • Enemies are all grabbable to make a projectile 
  • Added a rolling/tumbling mechanic 
  • Sound fixes 

Week 5

  • Fleshed out final UI 
  • Made 2 more intermediate levels
  • Projectiles can only be picked up if you do not kill an enemy using a projectile (or using the power-up)
  • Projectiles have special effects depending on which enemy you killed. 
  • Minor changes to enemy pathing and attack speeds, etc. 
  • Final tilemap/background and walls 

Sprite works, changes:

Made withUnity

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